Construction Techniques, Inc.

The Original and Still the Best

Developed and patented by Construction Techniques in the mid-1960's, Fabriform® is the original Fabric Formed Erosion Control System

Fabriform® Erosion Control

Proudly made in the USA, the Fabriform erosion control system utilizes  double-wall nylon fabric, developed specifically to meet design and performance criteria of revetment engineering. The fabric is woven of textured nylon fill in a multifilament nylon warp for optimum strength, stability, filtering characteristics and adhesion.


Fabriform options consist of five standard fabric forms; Revetments (three styles for varying soil conditions), Concrete Bags and Pile Jackets. In addition to these styles, we create custom products for unique applications.

Fabriform Revetment Styles


For maximum attenuation of hydraulic energy and relief of hydrostatic uplift. 


For minimum hydraulic friction and maximum impermeability. 

articulating block

For slopes subject to severe underscour or consolidation. 

Concrete Bags & Pile Jackets

concrete bags

Fabric forms to solve tough concrete forming problems

pile jackets

Zippered fabric forms for marine pile repair

Contact us

Contact us for additional information about Fabriform products and installation.

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