Construction Techniques, Inc.

Fabriform Products

The Fabriform erosion control system consists of five standard fabric forms; Revetments (three styles for varying soil conditions), Concrete Bags and Pile Jackets. In addition to these styles, we create custom products for unique applications.

For maximum attenuation of hydraulic energy and relief of hydrostatic uplift. Woven filterpoints (5", 8" or 10" centers when cast-in-place) between cobbles relieve hydrostatic uplift pressure and each revetment exhibits a high coefficient of hydraulic friction.


For minimum hydraulic friction and maximum impermeability. Permeability and criteria for selection of thickness (from 3" up to 12") approximates that of high quality concrete paving.

articulating block

For slopes subject to severe underscour or consolidation. Rectangular concrete blocks cast in place and linked together by reinforcing cables (if required). Cables allow the revetment to articulate with changing soil and water conditions.

Concrete Bags

Fabriform Concrete Bags offer an alternative to the expensive and labor-intensive placement of large rip rap. Fabric formed concrete bags can be installed easily without the expense of heavy equipment or manpower.

Pile Jackets

Fabric formed pile jackets offer a faster and more economical way to repair and strengthen submerged structural members. This system of encasement offers fast installation, ease of placement, operational flexibility and minimal logistic requirements.